Monday, September 24, 2012


Oh a shamless day of shopping, Jay and I decided to detour into a jewelery store and look around to see if we liked any wedding bands. We had been looking over the summer to get some ideas and figured we still had months to decide....
but of course while we weren't looking at all - we found exactly what we wanted!

Aren't they beautiful!?

Since we got them so early they're torturing us in their little boxes in my jewlery box. I can't wait to wear it - it's so pretty. Plus it means i'll then be MARRIED! ahhh hurry up!!
We got them so early, we will have to take them in per our warranty to get them cleaned before we can even wear it!

I can't wait to marry my very best friend!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Diary by Uley

I was sick for a long time, but I'm so much better now. I made sure to milk it for all its worth too, I had mom and dad waiting on me hand and foot. You won't believe how many treats and bones they'll hand out when they feel bad. Those suckers. Look, they even let me pick out a new toy at the store!

 But those were the good days, now they're torturing me. I'm on a "diet" and they never ever feed me, I think I'm going to starve to death. Look how sad I am.
Mommmm, Dadddd - I'm so hungry - feed me!

Other than the lack of food though, things are great! I love my new home, the new couch is just my perfect height and I can cuddle in laps again and take up all the room. 

Mom & Dad have been super busy with school and stuff, but we get to spend lots of time together! We go for morning walks, sometimes night too! And they play with me all the time, I just LOVE my squeaky toys!!

Shout out to the best parents ever!!

Even though I haven't seen any squirrels here, there's so many cats just WAITING to be chased! 
