Friday, July 27, 2012

Dog Update

Over the past weekend we watched Uley continue to improve. We were so proud of the littlest things such as going to the bathroom on his own. We were (are) putty in his hands. We slept on the floor all weekend so that we didn't have to worry about him jumping off the bed and falling. We stayed home except for a run to supervise and love on our poor sick baby. His walking was almost normal and his spirits were slowly increasing. I took him to the vet on Tuesday for a follow up and the Dr. said he was looking back to normal YAY! They took some blood for a follow up test and we were sent home in high spirits. A few hours later Jay called me freaking out to get back to the vet now. His blood count was low and they needed to retest because he was at risk for internal bleeding.
I've never got out of the apartment so quickly in my life!
We got back and the Dr. calmly explained that his platelets were low and his liver enzymes were high. She wanted to retest to make sure these were not a mistake as the blood had settled and they wanted to be completely sure before taking any actions.

Well, they were right and his platelets were low and his liver enzymes were high. Something was attacking his body or making his body think that and they were trying to fight off whatever it was. As for the liver they weren't sure if it was related or different. She gave us some steroids and a liver protectant medicine.

So Uley and I went home defeated again. He was sick of being poked and prodded and I was the mean mom to took him there and I was worried about my poor little boy.

Since he's been on the medicine we've seen continued improvement but definite side effects of the steroids. We're continuing to monitor him and love him all we can until we go back Tuesday to get checked again.

In the mean time, we've got TWO WEEKS left in Raleigh. How the time has flown!! We've got two weeks left of summer before driving across the country to start school and work again. :( and heat, oh the dreaded hot dry heat. So we are cramming in all the outdoor time we can, all the vinegar goodness barbecue, and the green beauty everywhere!! TWO MORE WEEKS!

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