Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Cocoa No!

Let's start with our newest addition, Cocoa!

We got Cocoa early December. We had just started looking for a sister for Uley and didn't expect to fall in love so quickly!

And of course, Uley took her in as his own. They get a long so great, it's adorable! They love to play and cuddle together. Cocoa tends to become too much sometimes, but they move on quickly.

An interesting note on Cocoa, she is the WEIRDEST sleeper I've ever seen. She sleeps in the most uncomfortable positions I've ever seen, but it doesn't seem to bother her. Go figure.

Now shes 8 months old (sniffle) and she's got these HUGE ears. They're always up, or one up and one down and it's absolutely adorable!

In April Cocoa got very sick, she got Parvo. Going through that was just as bad as our incident with Uley last summer. Jay and I were a complete mess, taking her back and forth to doctors and hospitals, having to leave her when she's most vulnerable. Seeing her absolutely miserable and seemingly on death's doorstep. It was the worst week ever. Seeing your poor little girl so sick is so heartbreaking.

Thankfully, she got better and got back to her old ways quickly!

We fell in love with Uley so fast and were always worried that we wouldn't love another dog as much as him, but we've managed to make some more room in our hearts and love them both equally and so much! Having these fur-babies have enriched our lives in ways that is unimaginable and we're so lucky to have them! They bring us so much joy every single day. Each day is a new adventure and I'm so excited for our future with them!

P.S. "Cocoa No" is an ongoing joke. For the longest time (and still fairly often) I feel like her name is COCOANO because we're always saying "Cocoa, No! Don't eat that! Stop jumping on Uley!" Typical puppy!

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